Dr. Moneshia Dashiell
Dr. Moneshia Dashiell was born in Atlanta, Georgia to Loraine Rich and Joe Nathan Gardner. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, and magazine icon. She attended Doughty County Public schools. She graduated from Monroe Comprehensive High School in Albany, Georgia in June 1993 with a strong desire to become an educator who really cares about the well- being of children and in doing so, she graduated from Christian Bible College & Seminary in April 2016 with a doctors degree in Christian education and University at Dayspring with a doctors degree in psychology  in June 2019.
Over time, she decided to further her education at Albany Technical College where her exciting future was waiting for her. In 2004 she graduated with a degree as an Infant Toddler Childcare Specialist. Then, in 2005, she received her degree as a Child Development Specialist and in 2007 she graduated with a degree in Early Childhood Care & Education. She currently holds a Clinical Therapist License and is excited about helping children who are dealing with depression and anxiety. As a Clinical Therapist it will allow her to create a process of art to help improve and enhance the physical and mental well-being of children.
  Due to the fact that she has demonstrated her love, care, and concern for children she educates; She is the recipient of the following awards: 2023 ,2022 & 2021 I AM HER INTERNATIONAL AWARDS: Counselor of The Year, Educator of the Year, Pioneer of the Year & Freedom of The Year.2022 ICON HOINSER AWARD; 2022 CREATOR OF SUCCESS AWARD; 2022 HOINSER AWARD; 2015 THE IWLA AWARD; 2014 & 2013 THE BLACK ESSNECE AWARD.
  Doctor Moneshia Dashiell is featured on the cover of INTERNATIONAL INSPIRING CHANGE Magazine the 2019 edition, I AM QUEEN Magazine the 2018, 2019 & 2021 edition, WOMEN OF INFLUNCE Magazine the 2018 edition, & AUTHENTICALLY YOUR magazine 2018 the edition.
   As time passed, Dr. Moneshia Dashiell was inducted in the 2019 INTERNATIONAL WRITERS INSPIRING CHANGE HALL of FAME, the 2020 I AM QUEEN MAGAZINE HALL of FAME & the 2020 INDIE AUTHORS HALL of FAME
   As an educator, she can truly say that her students have really inspired her to continue to author books like never before, and it is simply because she has the opportunity to see her students go from struggling to advancing in their academics, when her books were presented to them. They are now encouraged to learn, and they are doing it with a smile.